Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kilemi Mwiria's Hop, Skip and Jump to the Country CEO

Kilemi  Mwiria’s  Hop,  Skip  and  Jump  to  the  Country  CEO.
The Meru County governor’s seat could be up for grabs than we earlier thought. Ever since the promulgation of the new constitution and the declaration by potential candidates –though subtly for some-of their interest for the various devolved government seats, that of Meru governorship, by many counts, seemed to many like a signed, sealed and sent deal. Dr. Kilemi Mwiria appears to be the frontrunner who will give his competitors a tiring run for their money. What with his ‘incumbency’ as the two term MP for Tigania West, Assistant Minister for Higher Education, his unparalleled political web of networks and connections, untainted record and academic acumen, not to mention his having cut his political teeth as a razor-sharp General Secretary of UASU while a youthful/young don at Kenyatta University.
The independent-minded assistant minister has quite often been referred to by many as a liberal who never retreats into his tribal sheath to insulate/defend his tribesmen (political) who find themselves in the cold. Many Kenyans who didn’t have any opportunity to know him before, were quite undeniably impressed by his sharp mind and well thought out answers he gave as well as the deep understanding of issues that he exhibited during the KTN debates. Clearly, he is a leader without a tribal tag hanging around his neck. As a regular columnist with the Standard newspaper, Kilemi’s ideas and ideals are  loudly amplified.
As one of the unsung heroes of the second liberation in the country, Kilemi’s joining hands with PM Raila in the latter’s recent visits to Meru region is a clear indicator that the two have a lot in common: they are comrades in arms who have been fighting the same battle, with Raila earning detention and exile from Moi and Kilemi running into exile for fear of his dear life from the same Moi government.
It should not surprise anyone, therefore, seeing these bed fellows together. And after all they both are Kenyan leaders who can travel any part of the country without ado. Raila is welcome in Meru much as Kilemi is welcome in Nyanza. This brings the question of 2012 in mind. Who says Raila cannot pick Kilemi as his presidential running-mate? This would be good math for both Kilemi and Raila. For Raila, especially now that Kibaki will not be on the ballot and the Meru people have always voted for him almost as a blok. No one else in the region seems able to help Raila bag the Meru vote come 2012.  Kilemi’s clean record gives him an upper hand in galvanizing the Merus for Raila. Kenyans have not forgotten the Anglo-Leasing scandal and how much baggage it had on the community. But to diffuse this, Kilemi is again teaming up with the scandal’s whistle-blower (another Mmeru), former Ntonyiri MP Richard Maoka Maore. A redemption of some sorts for Meru politics, one could say. Unblemished and untainted- unAnglo-leaseD.
Knowing Kilemi to be who he is, in his liberal free-thinking mind, he might as well not fall for vice president unless first, there are clear unequivocal indications that Raila is actually going to win the presidency fair and square. Or may be an MoU –if it will be honoured- signed by the two to the effect that Raila will at the end of his first term in 2017 declare Kilemi Tosha! Anything less than this will be as dead as a dodo. This is just hypothetical. Kilemi might not choose to take any of the suggested routes. At least not when the governorship post seems like a given to him. He is  said to be keen and eager to prove his performance as the Meru county CEO. Perhaps then, he can ascend to be the Country CEO. Don’t forget, though, that it is all politics. And as they say, don’t count anyone out yet.

                                                                                                                      Martin Okariithi.
                                     "Inorakia area iwiite, induu ikarea kumenyeerwa no inunkie area iwiite!"


  1. In era when the likes of Mbuvi Sonko can be found in parliament we need a wise, strong, yet level headed person like Dr Kilemi at the very top. He is one of the few who have not compromised the dream Kenyans had in 2002 when we rid of KANU. I wish him all the best.

  2. good analysis.

  3. One by one, the chicks are slowly coming home to roost. And the day of reckoning is certainly approaching. No doubt!
